2-Day Mitsubishi M&P Service & Installation Course
Date: 10/10/2023 8:30 - 4:30
Location: Epting Distributors, 725 Marine Dr., Rock Hill SC 29730
This course provides an in-depth discussion of the techniques associated with properly installing an M- or P-Series system.
Instruction focuses on best practices, limitations, and manufacturer’s requirements as they pertain to wiring, addressing, refrigerant piping, equipment installation, and refrigerant charge. It also focuses on the service and troubleshooting of M- and P-Series systems. The concepts and theories of M and P-system operation including electrical and refrigerant circuits are covered in detail. The resources and techniques to troubleshoot M- and P-series systems are discussed and reinforced with practical hands-on exercises.
Attire and Classroom Requirements: Please do not wear shorts or open-toed shoes for safety reasons. Bring a laptop computer or Internet accessible device.
Price: $195 per person or FREE to qualifying Epting Mitsubishi Dealers (Contact your Epting Territory Manager for details.) Lunch will be provided each day.
CEUs: 1.4 | NATE: 16 hours
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